Sunday, September 1, 2024

Clearwing Moths

I've seen a lot of hummingbird moths around southern New Jersey lately. Buzzing. Flying fast. Hovering at flowers. Click to enlarge.

You might think it is a tiny hummingbird at first, but on closer inspection you'll see the antennae. Also note that you can see right through its fast-moving wings. This is the hummingbird clearwing moth, Hemaris thysbe.
Also note the long probing proboscis it uses for collecting nectar from flowers.

Check out the cute curly proboscis on this one.

In southern New Jersey, I often see another kind. This one is sometimes called a bumblebee moth. It's the snowberry clearwing moth, Hemaris difinis. It's black and yellow and has a stripe on its face.

See the difference? It looks like a huge fuzzy bumblebee.

For comparison, here is an actual hummingbird. A female ruby-throated hummingbird.

Never mistaken for a moth.

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