In summer it is easy to spot slender aerodynamic terns diving head first into the East River to catch small fish. Common terns,
Sterna hirundo, and Forster's terns,
Sterna forsteri, are both likely sightings.
This Forster's tern is resting on the Brooklyn shore of the East River between dives. Click to enlarge. |
This is a common tern. The differences between common and Forster's terns are subtle and confuse many birdwatchers. Common terns have darker backs, bills more red than orange, and a less extensive black area at the tip of the bill. The feathers of the folded wings are noticeably darker. |
Tern Joke Time!
A German taxidermist walks into a sausage store, places his
order, but then notices he has forgotten his wallet. All he has with him is a
stuffed bird, which he offers in payment. The storekeeper agrees to take a tern
for the wurst.
Why do terns fly in flocks?
Because one good tern deserves another!
A flock of terns flew over a marijuana club in Denver.
No tern was left unstoned!
A deckhand on the night shift of a cruise ship was assigned to clean mud from
the links of an anchor chain. A big broom was the perfect
tool to sweep away the mud, but a little tame bird kept landing on the broom and getting in the way.
The deckhand repeatedly caught the bird and tossed it into the air but it came
back again and again. The next morning the captain was shocked to
see that nothing had been accomplished. “Not my fault,” the deckhand said, “I
tossed a tern all night but couldn’t sweep a link!”